Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Gale Force Winds

Last night it started, and there are gale force winds going on.  Pretty cool to see the white caps out on the bay.  Because of the air conditioner/heater units being window ones, it's pretty noisy in our rooms.

Yesterday I got my license to drive in Japan!  Now I can rent a car.  We could buy one right now, but we are told not to purchase a car until you know the size of your parking spot.  This will probably be the only time my license says I weigh 120.  Remember, they're on the metric system here, so you can do the math!

Currently, it is car tax time in Japan.  If we are smart, we will wait until that has passed before we buy one, just so we don't have the hassle. 

William and I have started playing 'bus roulette.'  There are a few places where the bus stop is on a mini loop, so the shelter is the same for either way around the base (clock-wise or counter clock-wise).  Depending on where you're going, you are either on the bus for a very LONG time, or a short time.  We've gotten into taking the next bus and seeing how long it takes to get where we're going.  

Since it is so nasty out, this is probably William's circuit training today.  We have had comments from folks saying that this is their 'virgin blog experience.'  We are pretty new at this, ourselves!  But, I thought this would show you our digs, and William's little routine. 

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