Friday, April 11, 2008

Family Portrait

Last night, William insisted that I needed a person for our Wii game.  You are given choices on how to build a cartoon of someone.  Both Tim and William already have a 'Wii Mii.'  I would hear Tim and him in the other room debating on my hair color (I wonder what William thinks it is because Tim guided it to something else).  Then William comes running in and looks at my eyes.  He runs back to the other room and reports that they are round, and look like daddy's.  Then he comes running back in, switches on the overhead lights, and looks closer at my eyes.  "What color are your eyes, Mom, are they brown?"  Too funny.  He runs back over to report his findings. He ran in once and with his finger did an imaginary drawing of what I assume was my nose and ran back.  He then insisted that I have glasses.  I do use glasses for ease of reading.  Well, I am over 40 and getting closer to 50 with William's help, you know!  I told him I didn't need any on my Wii Mii.  He insisted.  Tim compromised with sunglasses.  So let the record show that I have brown round eyes under those sunglasses!  I was glad to see that I'm skinny.  A wee Wii Mii, see?

I haven't been posting as much because our life has seemed to be pretty boring.  A few play dates with Kyle, (he's a ton of fun) and house hunting.  It looks as if we're closer to knowing where we'll be, it's more of a waiting game now.  The lovely houses the teachers have won't be vacant 'til the end of school in June.  Teachers also get to live 'on the economy' since they also work for the DOD.

William and I had ice cream for snack yesterday.  It started out cold and misty, but when the sun came out, it got downright warm.  The machine was so cool.  There's a little hole so you can see the action.  You put in your money, then select your choice.  Then a robotic arm with a vacuum attachment picks up the item and drops it in the bottom.  I think I'll have to make a sacrifice and eat another ice cream so I can video tape this evolution.

Meanwhile, back in the states, my Mom suffered a minor heart attack.  She is 83.  They're all minor until the big one, right?  Thank heavens my brothers and sister in the area are taking care of her well.

Tim went to another 'Go Club' meeting.  More people are getting involved with it in our group here.  Only guys, so far.  

I managed to lose my umbrella on a rainy day.  We took the bus back, and I didn't use it, and when I realized it was gone, it was too late.  I did go back to where I'd left it, but even though there were other umbrellas left there, mine was no longer one of them.  It was a snazzy and very bright paisley pink.  It was a fundraiser for breast cancer.  I kind of liked it because you are very visible to cars, even when it is nasty out.  

I said something to William about, "Someone must have needed to use it."  He said, "GOOD!  It's not gone forever, after all!"  I had to explain to him that yes, it probably was for us.

I have noticed that people who aren't normally larcenous will become so if they can justify it.  It was a particularly nasty day.  To make my point:  those folks in New Orleans who needed food and supplies could justify their forays into stores that were closed.

Life moves on, and I should probably shop for an umbrella that Tim doesn't have a flinching reaction to.  I mean, it was no 'engineering black' if you know what I mean!  :)

I have noticed that umbrellas are a big thing over here.  It rains a lot.  Many Japanese carry cheaper ones.  The wind wrecks so many of them, you understand.  But, I have seen many classier ladies with umbrellas that match their coats.  Seriously.  In the summer you see umbrellas used as shade.  Some of them are quite elaborate in workmanship.  Those are very pricey.  It's so hot, you have to bring shade with you.  I used a black umbrella for that when we were here in 06.  Umbrella is 'kasa' in Japanese.  Mii Kasa or Su Kasa?  Maybe the person who took it thought it was a 'Wii' kasa...

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