Thursday, April 3, 2008

New Car

Okay, so some of you may be saying to yourselves, "So you went to the land of cheap small cars and bought WHAT?!?"  Yes, I have continued my pattern of having a German Car, then a Toyota, then a German car, then a Toyota, and now a German car again...  this one Tim calls a 'Pocket Mercedes.'  It's like a smart car with a back seat.  The good news is that we can have 2 people come to visit, and we all can fit into this car.

I am pretty excited about it.  William keeps telling people that we have a Mercedes.  I keep telling him that sounds like bragging.  (So this begs the question as to what this posting actually is.)

Today Tim was hard at work getting it to pass inspection (they had to replace a headlamp bulb) and getting it licensed.  He barely made it, but he did!  Now we have to get the official plates, do the LTO run, and we're in business!  There's one more Japanese license we need to have done.  Basically, you pay someone $50.00 to drive your car up and get it licensed.  

Now Tim has to start shopping for his car.  :)  

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