Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Tea

William's Co-op Preschool class had a mother's tea.

Tim and I showed up, had cookies, and got the potted seedling, a card, and a placemat.  They also sang to us.  I had noticed that William had been careful NOT to sing this song around us.  It must've been because it was supposed to be a surprise.  Oh no... he can keep a secret from us!  Oh well.  We can keep secrets from him.

It was fun because Tim got to meet some of the other moms and dads that are out there.

There are only 10 more class days left before summer break.  William misses the cut-off age for summer camps, because he isn't 5, yet.  So, I am glad William and I are headed home for a few weeks this summer.  Tim will have to hold down camp here.

We did get news that we're going to have to wait a bit more for the house that we want.  We'll certainly be setting a few records for staying at the Navy Lodge!  Hey, someone has to hold that record!!!   I think I need to have a T-shirt made that says how long we've stayed here.  I did hear one of the volunteers that sit in the lobby and greet new folks say the other day, "Is she STILL here?!?"  Yep!

So, I was a bit depressed, as I truly am ready to be in my own home with my own items!  Tim and I were talking, and if we do the whole time here in the lodge that we can, and we only spend 3 years here, that we will have spent 10% of our time in a hotel!  Yes, we are almost 10% through our obligation here!  Time has flown, hasn't it?  I told Tim that we need to write down the places we want to go and see here in Japan, because the time will fly by, and if we want to go see these things, we'll have to start now!

BTW, we are going to Disneyland on Memorial Day.  It's nice having an American holiday that doesn't coincide with Japanese ones.  We got on the bus.  Someone told me about it.  I thought she already had tickets.  Turns out, she was on the waiting list.  I showed up the afternoon that the waiting list people who had been called weren't showing up to pay.  So, the lady said, "They have until 6 to come in and pay.  If they don't, we release the tickets.  So, if you're here on Thursday morning, you might get lucky."  I did!  So, I know if I'm on a waiting list, and don't get called, that I can sneak in at the last second and see if the one who did get called came and paid!  

We went to see 'Horton Hears a Who.'  There might not be the most recent first runs here, but the tickets for all of us were $8, and 3 sodas (and we could get small and medium that were appropriately sized), popcorn and 2 candies were $8.75.  Now, THAT'S a deal!!!  

So, that is our lives.  Lots of play time for William.  Not a lot of excitement... just a lot of waiting!

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