Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Yoga Yogi

William loves our new Wii Fit.  He's doing yoga on it in this picture. 

It helps you with balance, and working out.  It has a way to measure your weight and track your BMI.

Skiing is kind of odd because you lean on the foot for where you want to turn, rather than the opposite foot to turn (which is what you do when actually skiing).  I figure it'll make William cross his tips a few times once he starts to learn to actually ski this next year.

What we love doing is to do ski jumping.  Crashing is a lot less painful in the virtual world!  :)  It is fun to watch William 'stand up' at the right time for the jump.  I don't know what I look like (nor do I want to know), but I'm proud to announce that I am the #1 ski jumper in the Putaansuu household!

What is cracking me up about the whole thing is that William, our little informer, is now prepped with the information that I am 'obese.'  So, he goes around and asks, "So why are you obese?"  Oh joy.  The latest game is ratting on me!!!  He never seems satisfied with my answers as to why I am fat.  He also is never satisfied with our answers to why he is 'normal.'  But now, he's obsessed with jumping 100 times on the bed to do exercise.  I'm assuming it's normal for a 4-year-old boy to jump on the bed!

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