Friday, July 18, 2008

Native Tour

My Japanese teacher, Nobuko, took us to lunch.  I wish I would have taken pictures of the food.  I had squid ink in my pasta sauce.  William had these tiny (size of coconut shreds) fish in his.  Mine was good.  It had a light fish taste.  Once it started to congeal, it was a bit harder to get past the fact that it looked like crude oil, but at the price of oil, I'm glad I was just having squid ink for lunch!

William loved this little shrimp.  This Ebi (Japanese for shrimp) was ready to fight.  This would shock Will, who would jump up and run off.  It took awhile to get a picture of him looking at this little guy..

There was a 'touch it tank' there.  William loved messing with the starfish.  He would put them under the recirculating water spout and 'wash them off' if they had anything on their suction bottoms.  Pretty soon, all the other Japanese kids were doing the same thing.
They weren't supposed to mess with the pots that the octopus were in, but some kids' dad helped out, and we got to see the live action of an octopus!  I was kind of glad it wasn't a sushi restaurant.  I think I would have felt a little squeamish if I'd been playing with my food.

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