Sunday, August 3, 2008


I was looking for my good pictures of the 'cousins playing,' and realized that I'd gotten them on my sister's camera!

My niece, Lauren has the children closest in age to William. My sister got them all together to hang out while I went and 'played' with a friend.

They had a tractor ride, played with rocks, went on a picnic at a local park, trampolined, went swimming, played in the dirt, watched Thomas DVDs, and squabbled. It was fun to see them form family bonds.

I figure since William is an only child, he needs these types of relationships so he has alliances and friends with family later.

William got Odin to run around the circle drive with him. Now, that's good fun for a 4 and 3 year old. My sister got them to pick up rocks and put them in the largest of the driveway's potholes. They did a really good job of filling it up! Then it became clear to me what my sister was up to...

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