Thursday, August 28, 2008


We were awakened at 3:30 in the morning by the public address system. It kept saying stuff in Japanese. As I dragged myself towards the computer to check what might be going on, the last message was in English. There is a flood warning in Yokohama due to all the rain.

Every day, at 5 p.m., there is a lovely tune that the public address system uses to check itself out. At home, the worker/driver bus from the shipyard was my 5 o'clock bell.

It's nice to know it works, and in English, too! The Japanese here are very hospitable and work on being friendly. Either that, or the neighbors who happen to speak some English are tired of being woken in the middle of the night by distraught Americans wondering what the heck is going on. :)

We are having quite the lightning show, but no thunder, yet. I am rapidly typing, thinking I'd better shut down the computer, just in case.

I was told by my Japanese teacher that 'rainy season' ends when the thunder and lightning season begins. The light, rainy days give way to downpours.

So far, the last bit of August has been nice.

Boom... there's some thunder! Wow!

There's no flooding here, yet. We'll hunker down and put on our raincoats!

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