Friday, November 7, 2008

Tokyo Disney Christmas

We were hoping for an uncrowded day at Tokyo Disney. We picked a weekday in fall and it even started out pouring rain. We figured we'd get our rain coats and sail through the lines. We hear that there are days like that, but we were far from that this time. For one, the weather turned out great. It did rain for a bit in the morning, but it was sunny and pleasant the rest of the day... Darn! Second, and probably more importantly, it was the first day of Christmas decorations and shows at Disney. There were tons of people with news crews covering the event.

It wasn't as bad as our previous trip, though. The longest we stayed in a line this time was 50 minutes compared to over 2 hours last time. We were also able to Fast Pass several rides this time where last time, we only got one Fast Pass before they were all used up. Many lines were in the 20 minute range, so it was tolerable.

The price was better. The government discount increased from about $4 to $10, so it was 4,300 Yen ($43) per person for adults and William got in for 3,400 Yen ($34). Since we drove, it was another 2,000 Yen ($20) to park and a total of 4,600 Yen ($46) for tolls. Although that adds up a bit, for several people, it is cheaper than taking the MWR bus or taking the train. It's also more convenient since you don't have to call the tour guide to get into the bus to change out your rain jacket for sunglasses...

For the second time around, we got to slow down a bit and study the scene a bit closer. We were still amazed with the lines for popcorn. We also started realizing that there were many flavors of popcorn. We didn't do a complete listing, but we saw Salt, Caramel, Chocolate, Curry, Sour...

We (OK, Caroline) were also a bit better at Japanese, so when we ordered three cheeseburgers, we got three cheeseburgers.

Next time, I think we'll try Disney Sea, which is the Disney park next door...

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