Saturday was the Art Exhibition at William's school.
Getting to William's school is always an adventure. There is no parking available, so you need to find some type of public transportation to get there and it is a fair distance up a hill from the nearest train station. Last time, we'd parked on base and got an off-base taxi to get up there. We waited nearly 20 minutes to get a taxi, so we figured there should be a better way. This time, we took the train to the nearest train station and took a taxi from there. There is always a line of taxis at the train station so that was quick. We were also prepared to take the bus up the hill and we did actually ride the bus back to the train station when we were done.
I'm not much of an art critic, so all I can really do is provide some pictures of William's wares for your enjoyment. (Click on the small pictures to see a larger version of the picture.)
All the classes made a cow. William's class's cow is the third one from the right.
These are William's version of traditional Japanese dolls. It looks like the one on the left got into the medicine cabinet...
The highlight of the day, though, is the model shinkansen ride they had out in the playground. The bus drivers took turns driving it for the kids. It was one of the selling points for William in deciding which school to attend. I can't say that I can blame him.
Whats's up with the girl eyeballing him on the train pic?