Instructions #1 says if an older gamily guest is coming, make sure they don't get carsick and are in reasonably good health. #2 says (and I quote, you'll notice I left in the Engrish): This field trip has serves as an important event for the school, such as a social gathering for parents, children and teachers, while enjoying nature observation and making memories through photos. We ask that you please try to attend the trip.
The form has the cost of ¥ 3,200 for children, ¥ 4,000 for adult.
I am filling out the form and noting the day, digging out money to cover the expense when I was told that I shouldn't go. If I go, William will have to stay with me, and not his class mates (Seika rules). I should wait to see if any Japanese parents are going. A week later I got a call to tell me that no Japanese parents are going, so I should not go.
I am so glad the translator told me this because I thought I was supposed to go? The hand out specifically says this! When I checked with 2 sets of American parents, they said that last year, they had taken off work to go on this trip, and they were the ONLY parents there, and they'd been rather embarrassed.
Sometimes understanding Japanese protocol is hard. It's good social manners to invite you, but we don't really want you to come. Got it. Hey, it saves me ¥ 4,000 ($40) and a day of my time. I'm good!
Ugh! It's so hard to keep up with the social faux pas we can make, isn't it?