Friday, May 22, 2009

Mothers Association

Seika Kindergarten has a Mothers Association that raises money for events.

I decided to go to one of the meetings, basically to see what all the fuss was about, and show my face to these ladies. I had heard that it's a pretty closed group. But, I've paid my dues (they charge $120 per year for each kid, plus raise the rest selling cookies and the like) and I figured I wanted to see what our 'money' was buying!

I've decided that I'm masochistic, because it was as painful as any other boring meeting, but more so because I didn't understand a word of it, and I was 'representing,' so I couldn't sit in the back and play with my iTouch.

They basically just went over the budget, and how much they've already raised, and how much they need. Yawn.

A bit of adrenaline was pumped in when I had to introduce myself. That went okay (I have my little bit memorized). But when they started to go around the room again, panic set in. I was pretty sure they were saying who their child was, and what class they were in. I was right (I asked the one mom I know who is bilingual), but you really have to listen close!

I even remembered to bring my own slippers. I have them tucked in the glove compartment of my car, along with my 'name tag' to be on school premises. They do have slippers to borrow, but not that many.

Next meeting I will give it a skip.

I have seen most of these ladies 2-3 times this week. They're starting to warm to me a bit. They asked me to go in twice to learn how to tie mawashi. Mawashi is the Sumo Wrestler belt that William will be sporting next weekend. Again, everything was explained in Japanese. I do know enough (san kaku is triangle), han-ban, is half fold, etc., that I was able to understand what she was explaining. It's pretty simple, but the trick is what to do if you have too much or too little fabric at the end to finish it off. She shows you what the different tricks are.

I got to watch the sumo practice, and these ladies showing the kids how to do sumo. It's pretty cute. I felt odd about video taping it, so I didn't. I now know how to say the beginning face off stuff, along with the motions you're supposed to use! There's a skill for a 45 year old American woman! Who says I can't pad a resume?

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