Friday, November 27, 2009

LIVIN with Walmart and Healthy Diet Coke

Japanese stores close at 7. Except for LIVIN, which is on the way home from base. I would recognize Walmart brands on some of the items, but the grocery store was always a Seiyu (Japanese equivalent to Safeway/Dominicks/Fry's). But, I walked in the other day, and they had the black shelving up, and the lowest prices signs up!
I'm sure that sign says, 'falling prices' in Japanese. Or something like that.
Check-outs were like in the states, and they have the do-it-yourself check-outs here. I haven't seen these before in Japan (except on base). The line was long for the do-it-yourself novelty. They didn't have a WalMart greeter, however. And, you have to walk back through the store to get to the escalators to get to the parking. I would have designed the layout differently, but they are using an existing building where there is a parking structure on top of the store. Gotta make do!
I am a diet coke addict. I found this at the LIVIN (name of the store that is WalMart). You can get Diet Coke with Green Tea extracts in it here. You can also get it with your daily vitamins in it. Now you can get it with fiber!!! Double click and look for yourself. I had to take this picture at my doctor's office. I had to prove to my doctor that I am living healthier... :)

1 comment:

  1. Wow!! It does look very much like Walmart...we will have to try this out when we get there :)
