Thursday, December 17, 2009

Tape Conspiracy

Okay, here's my problem: A child development specialist sent my son tape and a tape dispenser for his birthday. Okay, so it's my best friend/sister-in-law (friend before brother Arnold married her). I know Arnold would love to bug the heck out of me, since it has been my main goal in life to be the most annoying little sister since I was very small. (wink) So, I have to wonder if this isn't a secret plot against me.Oh yes, tape is very cool. It does wonderous things like become bridges, which suspend cars.
But the darned stuff is nigh impossible to get off of some of the things William has stuck it to. I swear Scotch Tape has stock in Goo-Gone.
Oh yeah, pose with it. He thinks he's so smart. But I, too, can plot. I have now banned double sided tape, as he sticks things with it to the door, floor, wherever. That stuff is just plain annoying, as you can't find an end, and try to gently coax it off with an even pull. I guess I should be glad it's not duct tape. Once the roll ran out, I scuttled the cute orange slug tape dispenser away from site (you can see it behind William in this picture).
He tried to tape the door shut. Well, the first opening broke it, so he tried taping it again. If I took a picture of this door right now, you will find remnants of the tape. It is so obnoxiously stuck on! This door is to his closet, and made of metal (hurray for the refrigerator magnets he can put on them!). This tape LOVES to adhere to metal.
Notice how it's used it to help stick Hot Wheels track together. The good news is the tape easily comes off of plastic.

Which reminds me. Mattel is evil. Hot Wheels take so many batteries to run these days. What happened to gravity and arm muscles? I think Mattel owns Duracell, and they're hooking the kids young. It's all a devious plot.

And there was more than one shooter on the grassy knoll.


  1. He sounded so sad the other day when I called because he couldn't "find" his tape dispenser to go with the eight rolls of tape that his favorite Auntie Diane sent him for Christmas (because she KNEW he would be out of by this time! Can you help him locate it? :)

  2. Sounds like all he wanted from Santa was tape! Happy New Year! Hope you had a good Christmas.
