Monday, June 14, 2010

Science Night April 2010

As we are being indoctrinated into a new school system, we are learning that there are smaller, more frequent programs for the kids.
Where the Japanese school would save all the shrapnel, and only send home the nice pieces of artwork at the end of the year, William's backpack is often full of stuff. We appreciate it for a week, and then make a decision. I admit, quite a bit goes in the burnable garbage after a couple weeks of appreciating the 'masterpiece.'
Again, since I can't really do video easily, I WON'T. I have given up, and will just do still pics for the most part! BUT, I did have them 'ringing on board' William at Sullivans school. I cried. I could not believe it. I never cry. All of a sudden, I was saddened by the fact that we only have 12 more years with William. A third of his childhood has already gone by. That 'ringing a bell on board' just brought it home to me. We have so little time with these little ones!
These are all science type projects. They had some other cool things, like a 'hovercraft' that used a vacuum cleaner to push it up. Some of the teachers had pretty cool stuff. I even let a teacher light a $20 on fire. Of course, it won't burn (if it's done quickly).
One of William's true talents in noticing patterns. At 3, he was able to determine there was a pattern at when a particular preschool teacher would be there. So, this pattern was easy, but fun.
I seem to spend more time at the school, but the programs are in smaller chunks.

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