Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Showa Kinen Park May 2010

Before the Anthony's headed back to the states, we wanted to go to a restaurant where you fish your own meal out of the water. We left with good directions, but never found it. Argh! We finally stopped at this place. They're already caught, but they're not dead, yet.
Now they are! Sashimi for dinner! I have to admit, after walking around so much searching for the restaurant, the beer was cold and amazing.
We were jamming all the fun we could into this weekend. The boys loved being in the front car of the train, watching the driver. Jokes on them. Within a few stops, they added 4 cars, and the view got boring.
William and Stefan were buddies. Dougie (3), was annoyed he wasn't part of the fun.
We got the directions from the TV for Showa Kinen park. Actually, Hallie looked it up on Hyperdia so we got there in good time. Only to take another train ride around the park. It is HUGE.
These looked like poppies.
Fields of them. Beautiful.
Okay, you know it, I LOVE DOGS who are treated like BABIES!!! I don't know why it makes me giggle so much!
We finally made it to the bouncy clouds. They are amazing, and big. There are ones for under 18 months, under school-age (6), and everyone else. Not reading the signs helped us start small.
William ran around on them more than he jumped. But what fun!
These cool dragons were slides and one would roar when the kids would come into his mouth.
William and Stefan had disappeared into a tunnel, and adventured to a roller slide. While they were gone, Dougie and Eric scaled a dragon!
Then it was on to the nets. This is a very small part of it. If you double click, William is towards the top in yellow. And that's underwear showing, not a tramp stamp!
A little walk down the way was 3 wading pools. We'd brought swim trunks for the boys, and they were filthy by this time, so we let them play until it was time to go. The park closes at 5 this time of year.
Showa Kinen is a smaller park since we were there, as the boys took a lot home on their bottoms!
We stopped in Kawasaki for dinner. This is Stoneburg.
Loved the cowboy theme.
Eric and Ian mug in front of the small 'hides' on the wall.
Stoneburg is hamburger. They grill it to rare, then take it to your table on an extremely hot plate, cut it in half, and you let it cook as long as you want it to. It splatters a lot. So, they put this paper collar around it.
The whole group, ready to eat! You can have American sides or Japanese sides with your meal. Rice or Buns?
We saw this guy on the way back to the train station. Totally cracked me up. Beer head. I think this is what I want to be next Halloween!

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