Friday, December 31, 2010

Citizen of the Month... again! 11/1/10

William, ready to go in to 'be on TV.' The Citizen of the Month is voted on by classmates. It is someone who has shown good citizenship and helps others. You can only get this award once per year. William got one last year, as well. So, it felt a little bit like that Forrest Gump movie. Got an award... again.
They assemble the kids in the library/multi-purpose room, then march them in to be on closed caption TV.
Again, the kid gets to say their grade and teacher.
William is fiddling with his tooth (for those of you who read the blog from Disney World, you know we hardly got a picture of him without his hand on his tooth).
They get to choose a pencil, and get their certificate, plus a cut pass, to go to the head of the line at lunch.
Then, everyone claps. You'll notice the noise making clapper to the left. I will stay after my kid gets theirs. The last 2 kids hardly get much at all, as everyone has gone back to their classes by then. And for those of you who actually look at some of these pictures, the guy in the aqua shirt and tie is the same one who took his pic with William at the last 5K.
I am so glad William is learning to be a good citizen. Good citizens pay their taxes, and that's needed, as our nation's debt grows.

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