Saturday, January 15, 2011

Kirkland brand sushi

We had a party at our house, where I bought sushi from Costco. I didn't take a picture! I so forgot! Because, I was more fascinated with the pineapple machine at Costco that will core your pineapple for you!

It was a fun party for Tim's work buddies. Costco sushi is 1/2 to 1/4 the price of sushi at a cheap sushi place, and the quality is far superior. I had a platter of pepperoni and crackers and salami... all of that did go that night! :) I guess not everyone likes Kirkland brand sushi!

There's a machine that balls the rice and puts a dab of wasabi on it. One of Tim's co-worker's wives (Japanese) works for the company that makes them. Then, Costco has people cut and top the sushi toppings.

We had Asahii beer. Had to keep the Japanese theme going!

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