Sunday, March 27, 2011

Monster Trucks

Eno Brad asked William if he wanted to go to a Monster Truck rally in Eugene in the new arena they have there. William said, "Yes!"
Brad says he wouldn't necessarily go to one of these events, but it was fun to go and see it through the eyes of William.
They got excellent seats (except for the folks behind William) and Brad provided William with ear protection.
There it is in the background: GRAVE DIGGER!
You may have wondered about this arena's size. Yep, it's Matthew Knight Arena, a basketball court, normally. But, they got the wheelie competition, the donut competition, and the freestyle competition done in that small area!
Matthew Knight is the son of Phil Knight, the Nike guy.
They just take up the wood flooring, and there's concrete underneath.
William even got to shake the hand of the winner.
William liked the big engine noises, and the golf cart that was set up as a rocket car!
Okay, enough testosterone for one day! Eno Brad ROCKS!

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