Friday, April 1, 2011

Fun with the Cousins 3/20

Leaving Japan was emotional and trying for me. For William, I think it feels like a normal summer vacation.
We visit Aunt Diane and the farm, Eno Brad and Mummi Kay, and Tim's brother's kids, 'the cousins.'
So, when Noel called and offered to have William visit, I was happy. I got a lot done the first day, and when I called to check-up on things, William wanted to spend the night. Aunt Corky went through the 'too small clothes' and found some pajamas to give to us. Bonus!
The next day I took the ferry over to visit with them. Uncle Noel took 'The Yoder' to the Boy Scout Fun Day. We were following him, when he zipped off-course, up and over a hill. William LOVED it! Ah, the thrill of 4-wheel drive!
We went to a local game place. You know the type, you plunk in your tokens, and you get to play.
Cousin Aidan on the pin ball machine.
Thayer and Noel racking up the score. DOH!
William and I tried this one. Wasted a couple of tokens, oh well...
William LOVES mini golf. The cousins, and another scout played a round with him.
And this is what you get for your effort. Tickets. Corky is helping William 'cash in' his tickets. You get a receipt where you can 'buy' cheesy toys and candy.
The line was long, so William opted to not get a toy, so that he could leave with Noel and ride the Yoder home.
The second time out on the track, William rode with Aidan.
It was an absolutely fun day.

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