Thursday, September 15, 2011

MT 7-15 Virginia City

 We'd stayed in Yellowstone, got up and went to Virginia City.  We arrived at lunch time, and had a really good pizza.  We loved the ceiling in this place.  It was an old bank, so the food storage was behind the vault doors.
There are two museums in town.  We found this one fascinating.  It had everything.  Had this 6-legged lamb.  Ye Olde Curiosity Shoppe meets junk collector.
 The first iTunes.  You can have your own music player, you don't have to hear it live!
 We've heard about these types of Japanese flags.  Families or communities would sign them and give them to the soldier before leaving.  We heard about one recently, that was returned to the family of the soldier.
 Old-style desks.  You name it, this place has it.
 A local Junior College puts on vaudeville plays.  You feel kinda strange, it is so different from today's style of entertainment, but we got good seats!  There were several theatres in town back in the day.

 There was only one tavern.  And we loved the inside.  There had been 2 beer brewing places in town. Now you can get local micro-brews on tap.  We lucked out, they were having the Dog and Grog weekend when we were there.  Tim was happy.
 The town was kind of dirty.  Probably because of the weather, these buildings didn't totally decay.  They have had to reinforce some of them.  Something this old is going to be dirty.
 They have made some upgrades...
 We took a tour with this guy.  It was sunny, but he was 'sold out,' so we paid for later and found our hotel/cabin, rested, then came back.  The group he'd sold out to DIDN'T show up!  They were riding with us in the RAIN for the tour.  They were mostly from New York (wanted to know about the Jewish miners) and were loud.  They would ask him to speak up, turn up the volume.  He would say, "Okay," then keep speaking in the same tone.  Tim and I were laughing so hard.  They did eventually quiet down.  Only way they were going to hear what was going on.
 An original ATV...
 Who needs USPS? 
 Dance Hall. 
 William, after our tour of the cemetery, town, and a few other places.
This is outside the Bale of Hay tavern.  This guy had come from the next town over, Nevada City, and was waiting to see the vaudeville show.  Thought he looked in his element.

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