Friday, September 16, 2011

MT 7-21 Libby & Kootenai Falls

I feel like singing:  If it has Libby Libby Libby on the label label label, you will like it like it like it on the table table table.  An old ad jingle from the 70s, it still is imbedded in my mind.
 As we headed from Flathead Lake to Spokane, we found a gem of a museum.  Odd-shaped, but worth the visit!!!  It was curated and displayed very well.  Lots of old-time history.  A massive stuffed owl and animal exhibit.  And there was machinery, like the locomotive and farming equipment outside.
 When you hear the phrase 'bucket brigade,' this is what they meant.  I wonder if they had to have a special levy to afford this piece of equipment?  :)
 Farming equipment.
 Old school house.
 I remember stuff like this!  Well, not the phone.  But some water heater!  My dad used to joke that wood heat got you hot twice:  once, when you cut and stored the wood, and when you burned it.
 Laundry, anyone?  (And I complain about my laundry system here in Japan.)  Ha!
 Church.  I remember back in the day that the pulpit stage was also a stage!  (See the curtains in the back?)  Ah, they just don't make churches like they used to!
 Newspaper and printing press.
 Do you ride these chainsaws?
 Fun to see the rings to show how old this tree was.
 Paul Bunyan's griddle.
 Okay, so it's me, and the rock formations.  Just think they're classic.  We parked here, and then walked down to Kootenai Falls.
 I know, I know.  Enough with the rock formations already!
 Our destination was this hanging bridge.
 It only allows 2 people on at a time. 
 Even with the wood planks, it does tend to sway a bit.
And finally, the rock formations!  Fun little hike.  It gets you out of the car, and it's something different!

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