Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween Party WINNER!

 Our friends, the Sullivans, always put on a rockin' Halloween party.  It was a blast!
 Tim went as Lord Vader.  He tried to memorize lines from the movies to use his voice modulator with. Since William went was Luke, "Luke, I am your father," was pretty easy.
 Hallie and Eric made this amazing R2D2.  What fun!  William was jealous.
Ian is the perfect Ewok, just by himself.  He was so cute.
 Missy said this costume looked better when her 'mad scientist' husband was around.  The makeup was amazing.
FRONT: Dougie (R2D2), William (Luke), Caroline (Jabba the Hutt), Hallie (Slave Leia), Stefan (Hans Solo)  BACK:  Eric (Obi Wan Kenobi), Ian (Ewok), and Tim (Lord Vader).  Anthony/Putaansuu combined costumes.
 Jabba and Leia in happier times (if you remember, in SW6 she strangles Jabba).  Yes, I bought the costume.

  Here are the Sullivans as American Gladiators.  TOO FUNNY!
 The FB picture!
 Heidi Ho!
 Pepe LePew and Penelope.
 Pad Squad, Hippie and the Mad Hatter, which I loved!  He took that sup around all night!
 Marilyn (Joe DiMaggio is elsewhere), Heidi Ho (Der Dwayne is elsewhere) and Little Red Riding Hood (the wolf is also elsewhere).
I won!

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