Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Sea Monkey

 A couple years ago (yes, I know... it's been that long) our friends gave William a box of cool things for older kids to do.  One of them was SEA MONKEYS.
 This box has been in our dining room since forever.  So, I don't see it, anymore.  It's like clutter to everyone else, I'm sure, but to me it's part of the scenery.  However, it's time to get it out of there, so we need to complete the rest of the 'growing rocks,' 'magic sand,' and 'growing balls' (that one was just dumb, but we did it, and even shrunk them back down!
 So, we follow directions (all except the sand part, it wasn't included in the package for some reason).  And ONE, count it, ONE sea monkey hatched.  As a matter of fact, I was about to pitch the entire project, but noticed something teeny weeny moving, and sure enough, it was this critter as a baby.
 Well, it's grown, and has been living for quite some time.  It eats well, as you can see in this picture...  hee hee.
This little critter moves FAST.  I am posting so many pictures because I'm amazed any turned out.  I must've taken over a hundred pictures for these few to be generically okay.
I imagine it would have been easier with a lot of them.  I wouldn't have had to wait so long for it to come into range then -snap- before it's gone.
But here's the blessing in just one.  NO BABIES!  You can dehydrate this stuff after they die, and re-start the process from the eggs.  WOO HOO!!!!   Sometimes my stomach kinda gets queazy when I see this guy while eating.  Don't trust this box/bin in William's room unsupervised with water in it.  So, there it is, pooping in front of our eyes.  But when it dies, it's flush time!  No eggs to save.  WOOT!

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