Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Sponge Bob Birthday

William wanted Sponge Bob as his birthday party theme.  He'd gotten a coloring book for Easter.  He never used it.  So, I found ones that didn't look too Easter-ish, colored them, and cut them into the letters to write Happy Birthday on the wall.  Gave me something to do while waiting for William at school... although people thought I was crazy using crayons.

 William is now 8 years old!
 I made large poster-sized characters and put them on the wall.  Sandy.
 Sheldon Plankton and Squidward.
 Mr. Krabs.
Sponge Bob
 Each item would get you points.  Eat pizza, one point.  Eat a vegetable, one point.  I figured the kids needed to eat!  I had prizes for the winners, and everyone won.  The highest total got to choose from the pile of Sponge-Bob gift-wrapped gifts.
 I bought this in America, and drug it back to Japan.  A week later, I saw 2 at the NEX.  They go fast.  Didn't see them again until a couple weeks ago.  So, I am glad I bought it in the states.  You never know when these things will show up over here, and people snatch them up.
 I themed each game after a Sponge Bob episode.  If you watch 'A Friendly Game' you'll see them doing mini golf in their houses.  So, I made mini golf things to do!

 Brennan trying to hit Sponge Bob open.

 Lee took us home...
 The candy was mostly Sponge Bob Krabby Patties.  Some chocolate...  :)
 Sponge Bob Baskin and Robbins birthday cake was what he wanted.
 We added a few candles that won't go out... but he did get them all out!  Wow!
 The kids had a hard time, but got better at it.  The goal for almost all of them was to get one into the windmill.  Yes, it worked.  Tim engineered it.  AWESOME!  Bragging rights for 2 kids.
Sponge Bob's house was the easiest to hit it into.  Lots of fun.

I will work on a video, but here are some game highlights:  Krabby Patty Diner Dash.  I made the parts out of felt.  The buns were the hardest to make, but I filled them with plastic bags.  The patties were 6 brown round pieces, all stacked and glued together.  Etc.  They were in partners.  One would take a spatula and run to the end, get a piece, run it back, until all pieces could be assembled.  Then, the other kid had to krab walk it down to the other end.  The first guy figured out to tuck it under his chin, instead of on the belly.

Jelly fishing was fun.  I took pink balloons and inflated them.  I used red marker to make spots on them.  Then, I added crepe paper streamers with tape.  I used 2 different pinks, one color for each team.  I bought 2 nets from a hundred yen store.  The kids would tap 5 balloons to their friend to 'catch in the air' with the net and run to the other end and put them in their team's area.  Keeping it in the net while running was pretty hard.  One kid would just leave it in the air, run fast, and let the force of the air keep it in the net.  The first 'net catcher,' instead of going to where the balloons were going to be corralled, had to come back and tap 5 balloons.  By the time all the kids and balloons were at the other end, they could go ahead and burst all the balloons.  They had to take all the balloon shrapnel to the garbage to win.  AWESOME!

Bubble blowing was through various sized rings, and at targets.  I should have put a few targets further away.

Boat racing was a blast.  Find some sort of cart... I made boating school sides and showed the episode where Patrick tells SB what to do via a radio and receiver.  Then, we put a kid on the cart, and the other one was blindfolded.  The 'driver' had to tell the blindfolded kid where to go.  We had 100¥ store cones, and a stop sign we'd change the place of.  We timed this one.  The kids did it twice.  :)

Bean bag toss.  I made a SB figure and it was furthest, and hard to get it into.  They had 'chum buckets' of different sizes more closer to them.  They got points by getting different sized SB balls, bean bags and SB bean bag toys into these containers.

I showed Patrick with the brain coral head, and had 2 different games.  One was 'who am I?' and had a picture of different SB characters.  The kids could ask 5 questions like, "Do I work at the Krusty Krab?, Am I a boy?" and then had to guess who they were.

I did a poor job on SB trivia questions, and gave William a too-hard question.  He got really upset at his own party.  So, go easy on these.  It was only 1 point, so it wasn't worth that much.

Yellow and SB plastic table cloths, SB napkins... pizza and water or juice equals one party.

One of the parting prizes was a 'gold' dollar coin from a small treasure test.  They loved it.  I also gave SB backpack hangy thingees.  Fun.

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