Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Hallie's 40th

 Starbucks won't let you have a birthday party on their premises.  But, if you arrive with all the packages, and quickly set-up, and everyone buys a tea or coffee, unless you disturb others, they won't kick you out.
 Hallie was turning 40, and a way to get together was to have coffee.  Too many folks have kids who nap around noon, and therefore 9 am was best.  Hallie's great friend here (and a friend of ours, you will recognize her eldest child and her from the skiing in Hakuba blog), Jennifer, said she'd do the hard part of the party.  Her youngest, Carter, is a very nice and cute kid.  I just love him!
 She made these cake pops.  They were phenomenal and so pretty.  Her presentation was gorgeous!  And those roses on that card are celery stalk stamped.  How crafty!
 I wrapped 40 gifts.  Hallie and I have been a part of a birthday dinner club.  We would do lunch or dinner together, and the others would buy the birthday girl's dinner.  No gifts.  Until... we had a few items that we weren't going to use.  We started giving those to whoever wanted them, birthday girl got first choice.  So, I wrapped up my crap!  I suppose it would have been easier to take it to Second Hand Rose, but this was funner.  For time purposes, we had the kids open these for her.  We took our own trash bag and kept the debris to a minimum.
 Hallie loves Hello Kitty.  Jennifer suggested Hello 40 as a theme.  FUN!  The bow is lavender because  old ladies here in Japan dye their hair this color!  So no pink or red bow!  Lavender it was!
 Jennifer got Hallie a tiara.  That is Jaye Sullivan in the background.  Camera hog!  She is a HOOT!  I love our friends here!
 Jennifer did a Hello Kitty theme, the lady byond her, Gretchen, did an "F" word theme and bought five things that started with F.  I had advertised the party as the 'F-Word' party.  :)  What a cute idea!
 She got coupons for free babysitting services (those are valuable), Starbucks gift cards, and fun alcohol of various sorts.  Good gifts (as opposed to things laying around my house).
I had fun, and I am glad to have such a wonderful friend like Hallie here in Japan.  She is the type of friend that has your back!  And mine is a big back!  :)

1 comment:

  1. I think I have the best friends ANYWHERE!!! These are the kind of people they are: they organize a coffee party (Caroline, Jenny), get up in the wee hours of the morning to hang a poster that they made (Caroline) while bending to my whimsy of Hello Kitty (Jenny) and make these BEAUTIFUL cake pops - enough for all (Jenny!). Now add up the fact that NO ONE listened to the "no presents" (THANK YOU Fantastic Friends!)... Well, you all are an amazing bunch of ladies and I am really blessed!
