Thursday, February 23, 2012

Bits and Pieces of Interest

 I saw this guy on a funny bike coming towards me, and I noticed the cameras all around, and saw the sign on it:  Google Earth.
 I quickly got out my cell phone and snapped these pics.  I thought it was so cool!  I love that we can view things from the street here in Japan.  It helps me find places in Tokyo.  And this is how they do it here... on bike!
 Bathroom on base.  Japanese pink soap dispenser, and the OSHA HAZCOM tag... what chemicals one should be aware of when you wash your hands.  Tee hee!  Worker safety!
 This one cracked me up.  See how small our little Brinks vans are here in Japan?  Not the big trucks like in the US.
Our trucks will have to become larger to haul all the American money to equal the value of what's in one of these.  Ha!  :)  The Japanese dumped a lot of yen to try and bring its value down, so Americans can afford their products.  We've gotten a few more yen to the dollar.  I'll take it!  When we got here, it only costed me $300 to get ¥30,000.  Now, it costs me $400 USD for the same thing.  Sigh.

So, William is a natural born leader (which means bossy, and wants to be in control).  The handful of American kids who frequent our nearest small park to play in have been conscripted to join the 'Fun Club.'  William ran home to print up their 'schedule.'
Just like the rules on the board for his class, he also had them agree on the rules.  William has this thing about 'Cozy.'  There is 'Cozy Home,' 'Cozy City,' and 'Cozy Club.'  He loves to snuggle in blankets and with animals.  His 'cozy' place is usually his bed.

Okay, just in case you're thinking that he's soft, he draws rockets and our favorite, 'The Tank of Radiation.'  It shoots out radiation.  Guess living in Japan has warped him some.  :)

And then again, maybe not.  This is string art.  They do the background in chalk and smear it with water, then do the in and string thing, and then clip small pieces of washi paper for sparse leaves.  There is balance in our 'Cozy Universe!'

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