Thursday, February 23, 2012

Field Trip - Disaster Prevention

Okay, there's a joke in here that bringing a bunch of second and third graders on a field trip IS a disaster, but in this case, it was to the Yokohama's Disaster Prevention Center.
The video was in Japanese, but you could tell how many were killed, injured and missing in their major disasters they've endured.

There was some historic stuff from fires.  142,800 people died September 1, 1923 in the Tokyo area from a large quake in our area.  Every fall, Japanese have us drill for preparedness on this day.  Lots of the loss was from fire.

 The broken kanji says 'Earthquake Experience' which has you go into a room, and it shakes like an earthquake.  I have video of the kids in it.

Yoshimi, Justin's mom, was our interpreter.  We got to crawl through a maze with doors and smoke filling the air.  I got disoriented, but then was reminded to look for the exit signs, which helps you get out.

All the fire detectors on display.

A preschool and an older group was also there at the same time.  Only the younger kids got on the fire truck.  Although, the Japanese screamed more at the earthquake experience.  Our kids treated it like a ride at Disneyland.

William all suited up.

This was a tornado demonstration.  I loved the look on the kids faces.

That patch says, 'Super Ranger Yokohama.'  Just south of here they film the Power Rangers...  but it did crack me up.  But, being prepared is no laughing matter.  I still think because of their drills and alarm systems, so many people were saved last March 11.  Super Rangers to the rescue!

Now they say Mt. Fuji is waking up...

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