Friday, March 23, 2012


We thought this little statue at Shibuya station was quite cute with children playing on the world.
We have heard about LOVE HOTELS here in Japan.  They are hotels that rent rooms by the hour.  With small houses, and the elderly parents living with, people need privacy sometimes.  I also understand that young people use them.  In the states, teenagers have cars.  :)

To find the ones in Shibuya, go up the hill at THIS Shibuya 109.  Since there are several stores, you'll have to pay attention.

At the intersection here (a koban--behind the truck) on the left, and the 7-11 on the right, go up that street.  You will see signs and realize the hotels are named so they stick out.

We saw this married couple, a man and lady who looked like boss and secretary, and a young couple laughing and blushing.  Love people watching here!

I'm assuming the women prefer rest or stay (overnight).

We were told that this one was a good one.  Several of the rooms have a waterfall in the bathroom area.

It was called the Caribbean resort.

But, those rooms weren't available.  This is an example of what you'll see.  It shows the rooms available.  No really cool ones with themes, as you see on the internet.  That will have to be another time.  The entrances are such, so you have privacy inside to choose.  It felt so skanky, so we went on to the New Sanno Hotel and chose their overnight.  :)

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