Thursday, April 5, 2012

Money Making Ideas

William is always coming up with things to make money.  He had a whole idea for a cheap airline Stefan and he would own, and had the prices down for what types of seats there would be.  I heard an argument about what the prices would be.  Stefan wanted it cheap, and William wanted to charge more in order to make money.

He planned to draw cartoons and sell them at school for 25 cents.  You'll notice he printed out what he wanted to say, and then pasted it in the boxes.

This one, he didn't do that.

He even got Louie, who is on the bus with him, to create cartoons for this enterprise.

I love the spelling on this.  Fruities vs. Veggies.

I love the name he has for this one.

This is the price list.

This is the cleaning van, although Stefan and he decided bikes would also be good, as Stefan likes to ride bikes, and they are cheaper to get around on.

William even has plans to branch out to Seattle (technically Edmonds, where his cousins live) and Eugene (where Eno Brad and Mummi Kay live).  Apparently these folks will make money managing the cleaning crews for FIRST CLASS SANITATION house cleaning.  :)

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