Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Mabori Beach with the Anthony's

Our local beach at Mabori, Hashirimizu, is easy to get to, and has parking.  In years past, it was cheap.  But, since there is a natural springs (mizu means water), folks come and fill water bottles.  So, they started charging a fortune to bring your car in.  Oh well.  It was worth it!
This is Dougie, blowing up an inflatable. 
The rest of the boys, Ian, Stefan (funny face, huh?), William and Matthew (another Puget neighbor friend). 
You can see that there's a float line out there, so no boats will come in. 
Ian.  Dougie still blowing up the inflatable, and William starting to build a sand castle. 
Here's my little helper.  Yes, these were my phone pics... this one is also a phone pic, but from Hallie's iPhone.  I love how I look like I'm frowning when I'm concentrating.

 Hallie and I had a drink, so we had to wait for her husband to get off work and ride his bicycle to come and drive us home!  :)  I stayed under my umbrella as a happy camper.
 The beach was pretty vacant.  I mean, what do you expect when you charge so much to park?  Notice the bridge to the jetty in the distance.
Matthew doing is own thing.
For those of you worried about tsunami, Mabori (where we live, and this beach is) is facing north.  We are totally protected from the Pacific Ocean by a land mass.  High waters could come in the straight behind, but wouldn't directly hit us.  You can tell this by the afternoon light here.
What a pleasant day with Hallie!

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