Saturday, December 8, 2012

Fire and Water Birthday Party

We are lucky that William has a classmate who he's become friends with.  His family are wonderful people, and we have been blessed having them as friends.  He helps train folks in the Navy for how to respond to disasters.   
On a ship, you attack a fire.  On land, firefighters can wait until it's burned down, or is less dangerous.   
Their command was having their summer family picnic. so they piggy-backed the birthday party onto it! 
They got to hold the hoses! 
My favorite fire fighter! 
Hose brigade! 
William was in kindergarten with this guy's daughter. 
This is Warren (birthday boy) with the funnest type of water!  :)
They had a pinata for all of the kids at the summer party.  That is a fire fighter's protected head cover turned backward. 
Matt was smart, and as soon as it started to break, he hauled it up and shook out the rest!
I just love the kid scramble to get the goodies! 
Then, a door opened, and a ton of water balloons rolled out, and the fight was on!!! 
Okay, so there is a facility to train on holes in ships.  The kids LOVED it!
They had a ton of fun pounding in the chucks to stop the water flow.

And then they'd start the jets from another hole... one was perfect for surfing on!  :)

Here are all the pipes from the outside.  It was a FANTASTIC birthday party!!!

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