Sunday, July 24, 2016

Luxembourg Souvenir

William wanted to visit as many countries as possible.  I figured one at least had to eat in a country to count it.  So, we went out of our way to eat in Luxembourg.  This patisserie looked good, so we parked in front of it.  
The sign said 2 heures gratuity, or 2 hours free.  We didn't know we had to get a ticket to display in our car window in order to prove when we started the 2 hours.  
So, since we decided to eat elsewhere, we weren't here when the meter man came around.

Round bales for my brother, Arnold.

We almost ate at the sushi train, but it was Chinese running it... so we went on.

Marvelous Park that way.

Beer stuff!

Lovely little town, Bettembourg.

Across from Fishers, the place we ended up eating, was this lovely church, who tolled the noon hour for us.

Strawberry tart!

Proof we ate in Luxembourg!

A fun little car with bat mobile-like rear window.  Then I saw the meter man, and we ran to our car.  Of course, we had a ticket.  We saw the address and went to pay the fine, but the office was closed.  Since we had to make the next stop at a certain time for the tour, we left.  Then, our friends told us it had to be paid into their account from a European account.  We ended up bringing it home.  We tried to pay from a special account, but it wouldn't go through.  I clicked through the website until I could email someone that we were trying to pay it, and she said we could pay online with a credit card.  Wish they'd have put that on the ticket.  We wouldn't have been worried for so long.  So, we have a lovely souvenir of Luxembourg, for only $27!  (24 euros)

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