Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Mon ami, Philippe

We are in Brittany, and therefore one must have Breton food.  Véronique is making her great-grandmother's crepe recipe. 

 Of course, modern technology has made the griddle much better!

I was interested to find that heavy cream, ham, cheese, salmon, and egg were all fillings. 

My attempt was less successful.  You see the small 'rake tool' in the tupperware, and the turning spatula in my hand.
This is what a modern house looks like.

It is so cute!  Each window upstairs has a roll-down shutter.

The one-car garage has a FORD!!!  And, notice how the garage door rolls in to the side!
I just LOVED their bedroom!  Such cool decorations!

Ignore the suitcase.  The sheets were heavy cotton and an amazing color.  So many details.  I LOVED it!!!

The windows and doorways had this design.

This goes into the closet.  Even the lamps matched! 

They live close enough to smell the LU plant.

It was therefore easy to 'take home' edible souvenirs.  I just bought them at home!  I love the dark chocolate ones the best!

And some of the round-a-bouts had decorations that the towns put up.

La Haye-Fouassi ere is a commune.

We thank my friend, Philippe, for his hospitality, and cultural revelations.  It was so neat to see his life.  Unfortunately, we were living in Japan when they came to the states.  I would love to return the favor!

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