Friday, April 1, 2011

Anthony Playtime 3/31

One of William's friends is a son of another PSNS and IMF Japan Detachment employee. So, we are fortunate to be able to go play with them. Stefan (on the bike) and William (in the box) have set up a trick course, and the person in the box gets to judge the performance.
Ian got on the little skateboard. I ran for my camera. His mom ran for the helmet. Hang 10, little bro!
His dad is also a boarder, so at 18 months, we're thinking he's showing promise. Move over, Tony Hawk!
William pushing Stefan in the car. They played for 4 hours straight. Boxes, tape.. eventually they made a fort. Boy stuff.
There was plenty of bike-riding, too. And Hallie got into the groove on the hoppity-hop.
And this is Dougie with the safety glasses and hair done up with colored paper clips. What an awesome day with friends. It was very centering. A little normalcy amongst the upheaval.

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