Thursday, April 5, 2012

Strawberry Picking

When Tim works, Wm and I go do something.  We got to go on a ferry from Kanagawa Prefecture (where we live), across Tokyo Bay to Chiba Prefecture (lots of agriculture).

This ferry had 2 levels.  Buses went on the bottom one, as you have to go up a ramp and make a corner into the middle of the boat for the 2nd level.  It was a pretty choppy ride.

This tunnel was cool, you were going down hill in it.  The narrow roads are interesting, with some close edging-by by the bus drivers.

Strawberries are so good over here, I thought strawberry picking sounded like an excellent adventure.

The berries were plentiful.

They had us go down and aisle.

They looked great, but a lot were watery.  I was disappointed.  It is late in the year, and the berries were a little on the too ripe to pick and sell, so we were getting to eat them off of the vine.  Memo to self:  bring wipes next time to wash off your hands.

William the photog.
His 'shot.' 

This was the sign into the place.  It is Feb-May for picking.

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