Sunday, April 20, 2008

Little Drummer Boy

I bought my first ever crock-pot.  I've had use of ones before, but never wanted one.  The ovens are small here, and the stoves are small as well.  I figure that Tim and I will do 'Slow Cooker Sundays' and have friends over.  If they show, cool.  If not, fine... we'll have leftovers.

So, if you have a good recipe (I already have the tortilla soup one), email it on over!  My mom usually did a slow cooking roast on Sundays.  I remember coming home to the smell, and it was always delicious.  

I also bought a Japanese paper in English.  It's good to know what's going on in the world.  I like the other one I got last week better, as it has more Japan news.  I like knowing what's going on in Japan.  When I watch the news, I don't understand any of it.  I'll catch a word now and then, but knowing something happened 'yesterday' doesn't really flesh out the story for me!  Side-note:  William wrote part of my shopping list for me yesterday, and he wrote 'shinbun' (japanese newspaper) in Hiriganas!  He's been studying on his own.  He now says he knows Japanese if they'll write it down!  :)

In a previous post, I said I would add the video of William playing drums.  He LOVES to make 'rhythms' on things.  He walks around knocking on the walls, and drumming on mom.  I'm less thrilled with the slap pats, but he is into it.  

I don't know why I let him play with drums.  Now he's going to want some! 

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