Monday, April 21, 2008

Spring Day

Yesterday was one of those pleasant spring days.  When I picked William up from Co-op Preschool, I sat on a park bench and read while William ran around with all the other kids on the playground.

I just love it when the sun is bright, the temperature is cool, and the greens of the new leaves and grass fill the eye with hope. 

William played almost an hour before he went to the fountain all the other kids were going to, and started holding his finger up to the nozzle to create a spray.  It's all fun and games until he was soaking wet.  He needs to work on his aim...  He was quite cold with the cool weather.  So, I put on his lined raincoat, this time for warmth.  

He did find a friend.  We've been viewing their blog since we met them by chance during our 3 week trip here a year and a half ago.  He's the only kid that William has immediately gotten along with.  In order to show William that Japan isn't scary, even to a child (since they're the same age) William has seen Joshua on video and pictures.  I keep meeting up with the mom by chance here (VERY COOL GAL), and I knew Joshua was in another class at the preschool.  But, I didn't push the friendship because they'll either sync, or not.  William all of a sudden says, "Mom!  I found Joshua!!!"  He was really excited.  And, they played well together.  Until they got into the mud...

This week, Tim is in meetings.  Many of the Puget people are in town for these meetings, so we're seeing people we know!  It's kinda funny, you feel like hugging folks you barely know, just because they're familiar!  We get to go out to dinner tonight with some of them.

Our house back home is still up for rent.  I guess we need to drop the price.  Tim's car back home still hasn't sold.  The guy brokering the car here for Tim has purchased 'the car,' but it has to be shipped from Osaka.

With all the items up in the air with this move, we are learning patience.  Or we're being subjected to it, I can't really tell.  Either way, it is an interesting experience.  I'm thinking I'm going to be in the Navy Lodge so long that I should have return address labels made.  I'm also contemplating contacting Guinness Book of World Records for the longest Navy Lodge stay.  Hey, it's gotta be a record!  That's if they'll extend us...  there is a limit on how long they'll let you live like you're on a sequestered jury.  

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