Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Tim's NEW Car!

Well, Tim received it today, and paid the balance, and now we are the proud owners of a Daihatsu Mira Gino!

The outside is grey, and the inside is crimson.  I am calling it the 'Wazzumer.'  Of course, it has a lot of pep for 3 cylinder engine (659 ccs).  It weighs less than a Harley.  That might not be good, as Harleys often blow over in the wind over here.  At least Tim and pals can pick it back up.

We zoomed around in it as a family tonight, and it hit 40 kph.  That is the fastest one can go on base.
We went swimming tonight.  William dunked once for dad.  He attempted one for me and sucked up a bit of the pool.  He is signed up for swim lessons, so we thought we'd do a trial run through, so he's familiar with where he'll be going.

As we came home, he parked his car next to mine.  My car is only a few inches longer than his!  But his is narrower and lower.  It's a neat little car, and Tim fits in it fine.  I joke that it's a covered golf cart for getting onto base.

Tomorrow he has one last bit to do on base with it, then it goes for the final Japanese licensing.  Then we get plates, and we're in business!  It's nice to be a 2 car family again!

Actually, I'll still use the bus while we're here at the lodge because it's easier, and probably as quick as a car, since you have to park and walk into places.  The bus, now that I have a routine that coincides with the bus schedule, is far easier!

I do have to admit that getting groceries is easier, because you don't have to carry them as far.  

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