Thursday, May 1, 2008

Kannonzaki Park

Yesterday was one of those glorious spring days.  It was sunny and warm, but not too warm!

I ran into a friend who said, "Let's go to Kannonzaki Park!"  I couldn't say 'yes' fast enough!

She had told us about this place, but when we ventured out there, it wasn't clear to me which way to go to get to the long roller slide in the woods.  Having a guided expedition was like a dream come true!

She packed us lunch, and we were off on an adventure.  It was a trek up the hill, but it was so worth it!  By the slide is this wonderful boat structure to play on.  William was so torn.  He loved the slide (it was really fast) but he also wanted to play on this boat!  

Best of all, he had a buddy along to play with.  At one point, we were at a different play structure in this huge park, and they were holding onto a rail and walking on a little thicker rail.  Below was a rope net, in case any kid fell, but they were way up there.  At the end, there is a long step-over to the platform (this would never be allowed in the states, there were many places a kid could fall through and down) and I heard Josh say something like 'this is scary.'  William rejoined with, "I'm scared, too," and proceeded to follow him onto the platform.  

If you'd like to see the whole park, go to this link with the slide at the end.  

It was one of those perfect days, where the kids only whine a bit when leaving, because they are so pooped out from all the hiking, climbing, sliding and FUN.

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