Friday, April 10, 2009

Sakura Picnic

It is traditional in Japan to have picnics under the cherry blossoms in the spring.  This week has been amazingly sunny and clear.  This is a park near our home where a few friends gathered.William and Ryan ran around and started playing with rocks.  I noticed an older Japanese couple starting to move from their benches, and realized they weren't comfortable with the aim of 2 small Gaijin boys.  So, I told them to stop throwing rocks.  Next time I look over, they're trying to crawl under a car.  Apparently William's rock 'rolled' under a parked car, and wasn't technically 'thrown.'
William also loved it when the wind blew, and the blossoms would fall like snow.  He missed having true snow this year, so we decided that this is how it 'snows' in Japan.

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