Tim and 2 co-workers decided that they were Star Wars fans enough to do all 6 episodes in one day. They would do it in story chronological order, not the order the movies were made in. The date was decided, and the food purchased. This is the before picture, early in the morning.
One little boy came dressed as Han Solo. Too fun! This is William and Elysa playing with his lego robot.
I had fun doing the food. We had Ewok Eggs, Bantha Bacon and Empire Strikes Flapjacks for breakfast. First break, Gungan Water World fruits. Lunch was Separatist Sandwiches, Droid Doritoes, and Clone Doritoes (the ranch flavor). Snack was Wookie Cookies (chocolate no bake drop cookies with oatmeal and coconut). Dinner was Han burgers, last break had Yoda Soda floats (melon soda and icecream). I joked, 'May the FORK be with you!'
This is the after picture. Did I tell you about the drinking game? Can you tell who played it? I know, I know, -hic- the picture is fuzzy...
Rules: Any time C3P0 lost a body part, The Wookie yelled, Hans bragged about the Millennium Falcon, or Luke yelled, "Artoo..." you were supposed to take a drink. I think next time, we'll just go for losing the body parts. It was pointed out to me that when everyone is in the trash compactor, you'll get trashed. :)
Tim did an excellent job of keeping the movies on schedule. We started at 7 (breakfast), first movie at 7:30 a.m. and wrapped about about 10:30 p.m. The breaks were only 10 minutes long.
I teased Tim, since he fell asleep the last few minutes of the last movie, that it doesn't count... we've got to do it AGAIN!
Maybe when it comes out on Bluray...
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