Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Hiking with Marilyn

My sister loves to hike. She lives near Lewis and Clark State Park, our closest park to where we grew up. She asked if I wanted to go on a hike, and would I prefer 7 or 7:30. She meant in the morning. Groan. But, Wm and I were good little campers, and went on the hike with her. I thought this would be so much funner if it was the 'Trail of the Beer,' with beer sunk in the creek to keep cool. :)
I love all the little bridges over the creeks. I don't like the mosquitoes that go along with it, but for the record, both Wm and I escaped without any bites. And, we didn't even have mosquito repellant. I think the mosquitoes are just lazier in the U.S.
I opted out of Loop C, and sat and waited for Marilyn and William to show up.
The old growth and 'nursery trees' were fun to see. William kept looking at the numbers, and Marilyn would look on the map to determine what we were supposed to be looking at. There was no wild life at where it was posted wildlife to see. Now, if it were a Beer Trail....
Saw this slug. It looks like a combination of a banana slug (native, good slug that only eats decomposing debris) and a European garden slug (thinks your garden is a buffet) on the tail. So, I took a pic to document a mollusk we saw. Maybe it should be called 'Trail of the Mollusks,' but only if it were a really wet and slimy trail. :)

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