Thursday, August 6, 2009


Watching Sponge Bob, Square Pants. Truly a 'boy bonding' cartoon. They have Wm's DVD player up in Thayer's bed. It's summer, so nobody's in a hurry to get moving!
I love this pic of Thayer and Mimi Kitters, the cat. She is so old and frail and finally will let me pet her!
William is all dressed up in overalls.... It was fun watching Uncle Noel 'kit him up' to help out with Uncle Noel's truck.
He's now under the truck, helping Uncle Noel. If it's anything like the help I get from him...
William has the best cousins, and he loves them dearly. They tag team him a bit. When one gets tired, the other hangs around him. He wants to be big like them, and steps his game up a bit in order to hang.
Last year, they did this on the sidewalk. Even though it was a nice day, it was cold in the morning, so Aidan convinced William to do this indoors this year. I guess there are advantages to split-level homes!

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