Saturday, September 15, 2012

Boyd Blueberries and Green Frogs

One of the most enchanted things about being at the Boyd's is that no matter how juvenile or silly the ideas William has, they embrace it and embellish it!  We had bought some blueberries since William loves blueberries, only to find that Farmer Brad had picked some of his own for us.  William wanted to do a taste test.  Before I knew it, they were blindfolded and were running a blind sample.
The ones on the right won for sweetness.  Those were the store-bought ones.  Although I preferred the ones on the left.  Infinitely cheaper!  (It all depends on what your primary criterium is!)
Summer is always fun, since their water feature is the perfect spawning ground for small green frogs.
I just think they're so cute.  They take shelter in the hydrangeas.
I didn't check if Farmer Brad's blueberry bushes were also covered with these little guys.  I just don't want to know.  :)

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