Saturday, December 31, 2011

Kurihama Bike Park for Kids 12/10

 Just over the hill from us, in another part of Yokosuka called Kurihama is this fun bike park for kids.
 The get to drive on roads like cars do.  Carts are to hug the line more, and bikes a little wider, if they're both on the road at the same time.
 For the tykes there is a small area to learn how to ride.
 There's even a train crossing and pedestrian crossings.  One-ways and...  CONSTRUCTION?!?
 Stefan and William tearing it up and having fun.  Better stop for that light!
 Don't bring your own bike.  Go inside this shed...
 ...and pick one out!
 There are bikes of different sizes, tricycles, and carts.
 Just remember to sign them out!
 And you'd better follow the rules of the road!  There were elderly folks who would absolutely enforce things!  There were places carts couldn't go, like up a small hill...  Those push-pedals are hard to get going up-hill.
But William had a fabulous time!  He was really good with the rules of the road.  He's been my back-seat driver since 2.  Seriously would always watch my speedometer.  His friend had more trouble.  He kept running red lights, and William says he would have been hit by a train.  Well, I guess it's a learning thing!

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