Friday, December 30, 2011

School Thanksgiving 11/23

 This is Warren.  He stole the show. He was the preacher, and every once and awhile his line is, "Praise the Lord!"  It was hilarious with his little southern accent.
 I thought it was amazing how the teacher got paper to make their costumes.  Bridget is a wonderful pilgrim lady.
 William was the narrator.  He drew a turkey on his paper tie.  He told me that morning that he needed a shirt to go with brown.  What?  This stuff appears without warning?  We decided this shirt had autumn colors.
 This is the whole troupe.
William also wanted to read a poem.  Apparently, some kids had written their own play, and he was left out.  I had to laugh.  Honey, you got the plum role of narrator, and the two girls (3rd graders) had their noses out of joint, so they did their own thing and didn't invite you!  Ah, the lessons of life!

And now, it's time for my close-up!

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