Monday, March 26, 2012

Candy Makers

 William is always working on ideas to make money.  He decided they should make candy, using his recipe.  Yeah, I googled one.  Here they are greasing their pans.
I made them wash many times.  William, Stefan and Dougie were so excited!

His special ingredient?  Lemonade mix!

Measuring water,

Pouring syrup,

Just add heat.

Without a candy thermometer, I had to keep dropping bits into a cool glass of water.  When it was perfect, I turned it off, but the residual heat made it go orange.

Yep, we burned it.  Dang!

The emergency ice water was not needed.  So even though the candy didn't turn out, we didn't scar or maim anyone, so it was a SUCCESS!
We will try it again.  Different recipe.

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