Monday, February 28, 2011

Chili Night

One of the fun things here, is that we have close friends in the neighborhood, and Tim's work buddies in the area. Therefore, we get to have parties. I like to cook, so usually there is a theme.
Since it is winter, and crock-pots are my only real cooking option, we did chili! It was great!
This is my taco chili. I use taco seasoning, and add black beans, olives, and corn to the regular chili items.
This is a green chile chicken chili. I use great northern, white lima, chick peas and navy beans. I use green chiles and tomatillo sauce (enchilada sauce in a pinch). Then, CHEESE. The secret is the big blob of Monterey Jack cheese.
This was my 'Texas chili.' I put big hunks of steak, larger chopped onion and celery, and heated it up with spices.
Then, there was the Tenderfoot chili... for the kids. Hardly any spice, finely ground meat, etc. Really kind of wimpy, but great.... once I added hot sauce! :)
As always, there was a veggie tray, and sour cream, cheese and onions to top the chilis off with.
I had friends compete for the best cornbread recipe. This is the winner.
This one almost won. The voting was close. Mine didn't place. Mine was 'from the box.' I do the basic box mixed with a can of sweet corn and call it good! :)
And the non-adults had a great time!
It's all about the toys. :)
I didn't get any pics once the party got started. We have a great bunch of folks here this year. They're fun to have over. Lots have small children. It's a new dynamic, and a fun one to boot. We are very fortunate to have such wonderful, supportive friends live so close, who are willing to come hang with us from time-to-time. And I love to cook. Life is good!

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