Thursday, December 30, 2010

Flu Shots

Since we were gone to Disney World when they were doing the mass flu shots here on base, we got to go into the immunization clinic and get them done there. Instead of easily signing a form, and getting the sniff variety, we actually had to get our medical records, wait for a long time, and finally get a shot. William got to take pics of me getting my shot...
...and then it was his turn. William has always been great about getting shots. He knows it's going to hurt, but approaches it stoically. Afterwards, he says it doesn't hurt that bad, and usually doesn't cry. He didn't cry that much as a baby, either.
I hate looking at the poke. William doesn't seem to mind. She told us to use our arms a lot to avoid getting really stiff. So, William started a push-up regime that night. He didn't get the swelling and pain that I did.
Tim still hasn't gotten his shot. But if he does, I'm sure William will want to go along to take pictures and blog about it. He's been pestering me to do some blogging.

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